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Recuva - Mendapatkan Kembali File yang Hilang

Oh... I lost my data!!!! Don't worry.. Don't Panic.. We going to solve it together with this !

Last night, as two previous days, I came home late. But, if we compare with last two days, tonight was  earlier, I arrived home before 9 p.m. :) since the closing ceremony was held tonight.
I took many pictures during my work as registration committee but when I wanted to share the pics to my friends, I lost them. It might be a virus, so I installed the antivirus which unfortunately couldn't help.
I saw my SD card's properties and it's said my card was almost empty, only some weird files exist.
Yaah, singkat cerita dek Ann kehilangan datanya, nyaris hilang tak dapat ditelusuri karena sudah dicoba untuk unhide file pun tak bisa.

Recuva adalah perangkat untuk mendapatkan data kembali yang mudah digunakan. Dengannya, Anda dapat mencari dan mendapatkan kembali dokumen, file, folder dan informasi lainnya, yang telah terhapus sebelumnya. Recuva juga menggunakan teknik menimpa data yang aman untuk menghapus informasi penting, pribadi, dan sensitif.

So, for you guys who get the same trouble as me, you can try this software and I hope you'll be happy as me when you get back your data. :)

Nah, bagi yang mau download si Recuva, bisa di sini.

Thank you Recuva


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Recuva - Mendapatkan Kembali File yang Hilang